Joined: May 22, 2012
Posts: 6
Posted: Post subject: sometimes |
I personally don't care for the labels that society places on people. I think they do it to make themselves feel better about things they do not understand. They want everything in nice little boxes that they can tuck away in a corner and not have to deal with the fact that humans are not all from the same "cookie cutter mold"
I would love to be able to come out totally as a Bi male but in my generation that is unheard of. I do have a few very close friends that I have told and they have no problem with it at all. and don't look at me any different. Which helps allot. But they are also from at least one generation in age behind me when being gay bi lesbian is was much more accepted. Boy what I wouldn't give to be growing up in today's world.
What goes around comes around |