looking for love with unusual people...
looking for love with unusual people... Well first off the serious part! I have a boyfriend he knows Im bi and is fine with me looking for a girlfriend. I hope that doesnt put you off. Really Id love to become a threesum but not just in a s----l way, but Im sure it would take a long time to get to that stage, three people all in love with each other-in equal messure! I can but dream! Anyway about me! Im 21, Im a size 18. Im at college at the moment studying art and design but will hopefully be going on to do a degree in september. Im all about living life to the full right now. So open to new ideas and looking to have lots of exciting adventures. Im a very sexua person and Im interested in b d s m. Im very inexperienced with women, having only fooled around very briefly with a couple of friends Im not sure how the b d s m element would work with another woman as I am submissive to my boyfriend but its not essential that your really ----- or anything though.
So some stuff I like/love...
My boyfriend ( Andrew, he is 38 and totally amazing!)
Cooking! (My fav things to make right now are sushi and cakes!)
Singing (really loudly in the shower usually)
Painting (kind of have to seeing as how Im an art student)
My dog (but he is moving to america with my mum=sad face)
Movies, any genre (I buy a new film everytime I go to the supermarket so Im building up a good collection)
Cocktails (funky black marshmellow is probably the most interesting cocktail Ive ever had)
Things I dont like/hate (although Im not sure I REALLY hate anything)
People who walk really slowing in front of me when Im trying to get somewhere (so irritating)
When people (namely Andrew) dont return your call
People who wear sun glasses inside (how do they know where they are going!?!)
Finding the perfect dress/shoes but them being out of stock in my size!
Ive got so much more to say but Ive run out of space

so if you want to know the rest I guess you will just have to message me! xXx